Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Top-level Scenic Spot In Yokosuka --- Tate-Ishi

Tate-Ishi  立石  (meaning "Standing Rock") is located in Akiya, along the west coast of Yokosuka City, facing Sagami Bay.

It is a legitimate cool & breathtaking scenic spot, with a national reputation, from long ago --- and, rarely for Yokosuka, it has been equipped with a viewing platform and nearby free parking lot (62 spots.)

Tate-Ishi can offer a wonderful view of Mout Fuji across the waters --- especially during the winter months when the passing cold-air high-pressure systems lower the humidity and allow for real clear visibility.  See the photo below.

Note --- Best not to go on holidays or weekends, since the week-end drivers from Tokyo quickly fill-up the parking lot.

(A depiction of Tate-Ishi from the old days)

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